Fugini brand receives authorization from Anvisa to manufacture its products

A Fugini Alimentos Ltda. had its products suspended by Anvisa due to sanitary problems. However, after a new inspection carried out by the Sanitary Surveillance Center of São Paulo and by the municipal sanitary surveillance, the company passed to comply with the required determinations and received authorization to resume the manufacture of its products at the Monte Alto unit, in the state of São Paulo.

Although the manufacture has been released, Anvisa has maintained the suspension of the production of items that contain allergenic ingredients and the distribution, commercialization and use of finished products in stock manufactured until March 27, 2023, as well as tomato pulp used as raw material, manufactured or acquired until that date date.

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The agency also required further assessment of the quality control documentation of products in stock to ensure their safety and quality.

understand about the case

Anvisa took a preventive measure last month, interrupting the distribution and sale of Fugini brand products. The company is known for manufacturing various foods, including tomato sauces, some vegetable preserves, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup and straw potatoes.

Anvisa clarified that the operation carried out refers exclusively to products in stock after a sanitary inspection carried out at the factory in Monte Alto, São Paulo. During the inspection, irregular practices were found related to the hygiene of the products, with serious flaws identified by the Health Surveillance Agency.

In a note to CNN Brasil, Anvisa stated that the products can still be found for sale on the shelves of markets or in distribution stocks, but stressed that these products are safe and can be consumed without problems.

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