Score for CNH suspension is changed; check your fines

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Created in 1997, the law that governs traffic rules – Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB) – had some changes in April last year. For example, initially, the National Driver's License (CNH) had a limitation of up to 20 points accumulated in infractions. However, among other changes, the new CTB establishes a new level of classification. But how is that? Well, in this article we explain how many points it will take to suspend your CNH under the new rules and how to check your fines.

Read more: CNH changes: See what will be different

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The CNH is suspended with what score?

First, it is necessary to remember that there are four levels of traffic infraction to later understand how many points a CNH will be suspended. Drivers can receive fines with the following categories: mild, medium, severe or very severe.

Thus, each person, when fined, has a certain number of points deducted from their driver's license. Previously, a total of 20 stitches were required for suspension. However, with the new CTB rules, the limit has increased to 40 points.

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According to CTB rules, each fine deducts:

  • 3 points: characterized by a minor infraction;
  • 4 points: characterized by a medium infraction;
  • 5 points: characterized by a serious infraction;
  • 6 points: is characterized by a very serious infraction.

Once the 40-point limit is reached, the license is revoked and the driver must face a process called recycling to recover their permit and return to driving. However, the accounts that reach the limit are not linear and vary according to the severity of the fine. So check your fines always.

How to consult fines on CNH?

All data on the driver's CNH can be found on the website of the DMV in your state. In certain areas, the driver can monitor the progress of the process, including breaks. Normally, access to this information can be done through the car's CNH, CPF or RENAVAM data.

We have as an example the query in the state of São Paulo, which can be done through a platform called Poupatempo. Check it step by step:

  • First, open the Poupatempo application;
  • Then click on “Services” (on the right side at the bottom of the screen);
  • Select the “CNH” option, followed by “Other CNH services”;
  • Access “Information and research” and then click on “Points on CNH”;
  • That way, enter your wallet numbers and your birthday;
  • Finally, click on “Finish”, and this will show the total score for the previous 12 month period.

To make this query through the Digital Traffic Card (CDT) application, simply access the “Infractions” area. In this way, the driver will be able to observe all existing fines in his name, according to CNH records.

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