At Last Thursday night, the 13th, O Ministryof Citizenshipextendedthe delimited period forrevisionof the dataof familiesindexed at the Register Unique (CadUnique).the term what expired this Friday, 14, it was postponed for another 30 days. Thatdecisionhe wasoutletbecause of queues and confusion seen in severalpoints from Brazil, alreadywhat many beneficiaries do not got it update your situation in the tool.
Read more: 22 benefits granted to those with Single Registration
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How to have the Single Registry approved?
the programs social services such as Auxílio Brasil, Benefit installment continued (BPC), Social Tariff of Vitality Electric (TSEE) and ID Jovem requestTheupdateof register.Casecontrary, you yourbenefitsthey canto besuspended. The CadÚnico considersO profile of recipient as out of date,if no there ischangesper more than two years.when that it happens, O Ministry of Citizenship askan inspection cadastral.
to familieswhatthey arebeingcallsmustattendto theReference Center for Social Assistance (CRAS) or the onecentral service of Register Single of the municipality. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the periodinnon-renewal in two years has becamemoreflexiblemeasure what Thereregistrationit isbeing phased.
Second O Ministry of Citizenship this year, only the families with register updated in 2016 or 2017 were called forto attend in order to update the data in CadÚnico. To the families whose datathey were verified in 2018 or 2019 ifwill gather us Upcoming years.
What is Single Registration?
It is an instrument of the Ministry of Citizenship that was created with the purpose of being able to identify and qualify Brazilian families in vulnerable situations. In other words, low-income groups. When people are part of the Cadastro Único, they are entitled to various benefits that are made available.
As already mentioned, the Brazil Aid, Social Electricity Tariff (TSEE), Youth Identity and Benefit of Continuous Provision (BPC) are just some of those that are granted to those with the data in the CadUnique.
Families entitled to this register are those who have a monthly income of half to a minimum wage. Otherwise, they must have a total monthly income of at most three minimum wages.
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