CadÚnico: Those who do not update their data may lose benefits

For the year 2022, the cadastral survey and revision has already begun and 8 million beneficiaries of government social projects need to update their information in CadÚnico (Cadastro Único). Notified families must review their data to avoid cancellation of benefits or deletion of their account on the platform. So, see now how to update your information and be up to date to continue receiving your benefit!

Read more: Learn how to pre-register for CadÚnico on the Internet

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Only families with outdated records — or whose last review was carried out five or six years ago (2016 or 2017) — will be invited to review their information on the platform.

The groups that had their data collected in 2018 or 2019 will be convened in the coming years. The review of programs will be done on a staggered basis due to the surprising number of beneficiaries who will have to re-register (update data).

Registration must always be up to date.

Once registered in CadÚnico, the family must update the data every two years. However, in case of change, such as change of residential address, the information needs to be changed and updated.

If this is the case, the citizen himself must look for the CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) or access the official application to update his data. It is worth noting that the government performs an annual cadastral review and records can be removed from the system if the information is not updated within 4 years.

Find out if you need to update your registration

To find out which households are being investigated and reviewed, beneficiaries can access the list available on SigPBF (Bolsa Família Program Management System).

It is important to point out that for those in the status of Investigation, the deadline for re-registration is July. Those under Review will have until December to go through the process.

Families can use the CadÚnico app to check if the data is up to date. In addition, Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries, for example, will receive a message through the payment statement and the application. Those with the Social Tariff can receive notifications via message on their energy bill.

In case there are no changes in the information provided in the interview, the family can update their data by confirming them in the CadÚnico application. However, if any information needs to be changed, it is necessary to visit a cadastral office for a new cadastral update interview.

Do you know how to sign up for CadÚnico?

The registration is carried out in person at the CRAS or at specialized places for the Single Registry service. Thus, the attendant conducts an interview with the responsible family member, who must present some documents that prove his condition.

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