Check the age rules to receive the Brazil Aid

The Federal Government has already started preparations to start making available the second payment of the Brazil Aid. However, even after the first transfers of the program, there are still many people with doubts regarding the rules of the benefit. One of the determinations that still generate some confusion is the situation of families with members over 21 years of age. Keep reading and learn the age rules for receiving Brazil Aid.

Read more: Find out now when the R$ 400 Brazil Aid card arrives

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How do the rules work?

As a general rule, families in extreme poverty are those with an income between R$ 0 and R$ 105 per individual. Those in poverty are those whose income is between R$ 106 and R$ 210 per person. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to this information.

This is because, in the case of citizens who are in a condition of poverty, the right to benefit only occurs if this family has at least one pregnant member or one member under 21 years of age. In this case, therefore, this family will have the right to receive the Brazil Aid. However, when the individual reaches the age of 21, that person may no longer be benefited.

Therefore, a family that has a member aged 21 or over may be subject to losing the aid. However, this only occurs if these Brazilians are in a situation of poverty. If the person is in extreme poverty, the age of the children does not matter, so they continue to have the right to remain in the program.

21 full years

Many also have some doubts regarding the exact date of termination of the right to benefit. According to what is officially said, the family is no longer benefited at the exact moment when the member turns 21, and not when he turns 22, as was being confused.

It is essential to make it clear that this member under 21 does not have to be a biological child. In that sense, he could be a friend, a cousin, or another relative. Therefore, the only rule required is that he resides in the same house and is registered in the CadÚnico together with the family.

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