Brazilian terror is one of the most violent and is present on Netflix

How about composing the list of movies to marathon on Halloween, in October? Know that some pearls are hidden in the middle of the list of options in the catalog of Netflix. This is the case of “Mal Nosso”, which tells a rather frightening story, one that is difficult to face alone at night.

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The name of the feature film already provides clues about the plot, making an allusion contrary to Christian prayer. Mal Nosso is a Brazilian film, released in 2017. However, it is available to Netflix subscribers.

Its plot is for those who are used to heavy films. The scenes of violence are heavy and can shock the most unsuspecting spectators. In summary, terror is a present and prominent element from beginning to end of the work.


Mal Nosso was produced by Brazilian Samuel Galli, who was director and screenwriter of the film.

Galli won Best Director at the A Night of Horror International Film Festival. The award was given in 2017 and also highlighted Ademir Esteves as Best Actor.

Its publicity, unfortunately as with other national productions, did not receive the best publicity possible. However, the critics specialized in the subject were generous with the Brazilian film and pointed it as a model for the genre.

Check out the official IMDB synopsis for the film below:

“A man with spiritual powers is told by his mentor that a demonic entity is about to return. to destroy his daughter's soul - and that he needs to take drastic measures to prevent that. happen."

In turn, the Screen Daily portal review points out:

“Utilizing impressive practical effects, Mal Nosso features great sequences of violence that never become gratuitous.”


Ademir Esteves, Ricardo Casella, Antony Mello, Luara Pepita, Fernando Cardoso, Walderrama dos Santos, Gabriela Grecco, Thais Prates, Shirley Viana, Sonia Moreno, Maria Clara Gonçalves, Maria Galves, Nicole Silva, Reinaldo Colmanetti, Maysa Pettes and William Salles.

The production can be seen in full on the Netflix streaming platform.

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