Brasil Escola will have live video classes

Students will have one more reinforcement in their studies. Portal Brasil Escola, UOL's partner, will have another novelty on its Youtube channel, now also featuring live classes.

Classes will take place every tuesdays, at 4:30 pm. They already start on the day February 11, with the discipline of Math given by Professor Pedro Itallo.

With the interactive format, the user will be able to ask questions during the class through the chat available on the channel.

class theme

Brasil Escola will rotate the teachers and each week there will be a class of a subject. Then, at the end of each class, the teacher will inform the theme and subject, respectively, of the next one live.


The novelty brings numerous advantages to the student, as he will be able to watch everything that is happening in real time, in the comfort of wherever you are and the best, at no cost, as the classes are totally free.

So, write it down there, from the day February 11, at 4:30 pm, there are live classes at Brasil Escola channel on YouTube.

In order not to miss any live video lessons, subscribe to the channel and activate the notifications bell.

Source: Brazil School -

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