8 Things That Should Be Taught In Schools But Aren't

The school is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most important institutions that exist.

After all, it is at school that education is passed on to the new generations, a gear without which society simply does not work.

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However, some important issues should be addressed at school, but unfortunately they are not yet.

In the next topics, we present and explain eight of them!

1. physical survival tactics

Even in the face of technological advancement that increasingly characterizes our world, we continue to be fragile physical beings.

Therefore, it would be extremely important to instruct children and adolescents on how to protect themselves from threats that could compromise their bodily integrity.

In this context, skills related to outdoor survival could be imparted, such as building shelters, fire ignition, use of orientation instruments, strategies to keep the body warm, identification of edible plants, among others skills.

Although it may seem trivial at first glance, a discipline entitled “Survival Guide” or similar could truly save entire classes in situations such as accidents that occurred in remote areas, exposure to natural disasters and other eventualities that have the potential to become concretize.

2. Mental health maintenance tactics

Just like physical preservation, the preservation of mental health should never be overlooked, especially in current times.

With the progress of social media platforms and other forms of instant communication, it has become easier and easier to be exposed to mind-damaging content.

Thus, it is crucial to include in the educational programs of schools and institutions dedicated to education, disciplines that address mental protection strategies as a priority.

3. financial education

In third place on our list is one of those subjects that everyone wonders why it is not yet part of the regular school curriculum.

Taking care of financial life is not something optional, but inherent in human life in a natural way. After all, it is impossible to live without dealing with money.

So why the financial education still not addressed in schools?

It would be extremely interesting to teach children and adolescents to deal with their resources, better understanding what are interest, taxes and other charges, as well as the consequences of misuse of money and the best ways to invest it.

In this way, entire societies could be transformed as new citizens became more financially aware.

4. media interpretation

The media is one of the most important aspects of society, as it channels the flow of information, contributing greatly to the smooth running of people's daily lives.

However, unfortunately most people do not know how the media works, including the types of media outlets and their real importance.

Without this understanding, it is impossible to understand the power of opinion formation and social organization that the media has.

A discipline that came to teach how to interpret the media would lay bare all these issues, making people recognizing the media for its real importance and making them aware of the harm that bad media vehicles can cause.

5. basic first aid

All students of adequate age to pay attention and remember detailed instructions should be instructed in the basics of first aid.

This body of knowledge may cover topics such as:

  • Application of wound dressings and tourniquet techniques;
  • Identifying signs of common medical emergencies, such as heart attacks and strokes;
  • The correct execution of tourniquets and compresses;
  • Stabilization methods for injured individuals;
  • Among others.

In urgent situations, waiting for rescue professionals to arrive can result in loss of life. Therefore, the ideal is that everyone knows what to do when faced with an accident.

6. negotiation skills

Another essential aspect that should be addressed in schools but is unfortunately neglected is negotiation skills.

From opening a bank account to making decisions about going to the gym or not, we are constantly involved in some kind of negotiation, whether with other people or with ourselves.

Those who have mastered the art of negotiation have the ability to seize opportunities and protect themselves against manipulators and fraudsters. This skill is very important!

7. Communication skills

Improving interpersonal communication skills can cover a variety of topics, such as acquiring knowledge in empathetic communication, cultivate a deal free of racial prejudice, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination, among others.

In a world permeated by violence and constant hate speech, it is extremely important to know how to communicate properly and, in addition, to seek to disseminate this attitude.

8. Ways to start your own business

Finally, we talk about another topic that, incredibly, is still not addressed in schools: the multimedia of entrepreneurship.

Beyond just an empty desire, creating your own business can be a watershed in the lives of not just one person, but many.

This is because when an entrepreneur decides to “roll up his sleeves” and go to battle, he may be developing a solution that will make life easier for your customers, while you will start to generate income through the new jobs created by your company.

For all these reasons, teaching children and teenagers ways to start their own business is, at the same time, a way to contribute to the future of these students and society as a whole.

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