Conjugation of the verb dalingar

See the conjugation of all verb tenses of the verb dalingar.

Gerund: dalingando

Type of verb: regular

Past participle: dalingado

Infinitive: dalingar

Transitivity of the verb: indirect transitive verb

Syllabic separation:da-lingar

Conjugation of the verb dalingar in the indicative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift I dalingo
you dalinga
he/she dalinga
we daling
you dalingal
they dalingam
Past perfect I dalanged
you dalingasted
he/she messed up
we daling
you dangled
they dalinged
Imperfect past tense I was dalinging
you were dalingava
he/she was dalinging
we were dalinging
you dalingable
they dalinged
Past perfect tense I dalinga
you dalingara
he/she dalingara
we would daling
you will dalingar
they dalinged
Future of the present I will daling
you will daling
he/she will daling
we will daling
you will daling
they will daling
Future of past tense I would daling
you would daling
he/she would daling
we would daling
you would dalingarize
they would daling

Conjugation of the verb dalingar in the subjunctive mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift that I speak
that you do not speak
let him/her speak
let us dalange
that you give away
that they speak
Imperfect past tense if I daling
if you dalanged
if he/she dalanged
if we dated
if you dalange
if they daling
Future when I daling
when you hang out
when he/she daling
when we dalingar
when you languish
when they daling

Conjugation of the verb dalingar in the imperative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Affirmative imperative


dalinga you
speak him/her
let's talk
dalingai you
give them/them language

Negative imperative


don't speak your language
don't dangle him/her
let's not language
don't be languishing
don't speak their language

Conjugation of the verb dalingar in the personal infinitive:

Verb tense Conjugation
Personal infinitive for dalinging me
for dalinging you
for dalinging him/her
because we daling
because you dalingardes
for hurting them

Source: Brazil School -

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