Lightning in sight? Know what to do with electronic devices

The arrival of summer can represent a high volume of rainfall in some regions of the country, which are always accompanied by thunder and lightning. One of the main concerns of people is precisely what to do in case of lightning, as they want to avoid damage to electronic devices and other devices. home appliances. Check it out!

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The ideal is, first of all, to understand what should be done when the rains come accompanied by lightning and whether there are other ways to protect equipment if you are going to be home for a longer period of time far away.

Don't forget to turn off the devices

The first tip to preserve electronic equipment and appliances is to unplug them from the socket.

Also, avoid leaving them charging while it's raining, as long as it's lightning. Precaution is necessary to prevent an electrical discharge from damaging the equipment or causing fires and other more serious accidents.

To prevent further incidents on the electrical network when there are storms, follow these recommendations:

Inspect the electrical system frequently. In older homes and in places with a higher probability of such failures, this measure is even more important. If sparks appear when connecting electronic equipment, make the adjustment urgently.

In sockets placed in external areas, avoid a possible short circuit with the cover of objects.

Electrical equipment protection systems can be installed in order to protect your network against power surges caused by lightning. Power strips are interesting options.

Voltage regulators can be used as an intermediary to prevent you from connecting appliances directly to the outlet. It is a measure to avoid accidents and equipment burning.

Prevention is the best safety strategy against accidents

As with physical and mental health, adopting prevention strategies at home can help to avoid the risk of accidents caused by storms, short circuits or other installation problems.

Therefore, seeking the opinion of electrical experts to check your installations is always the best way out, in addition to being a protective measure for your family.

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