Ketchup in the fridge or out: Heinz finally ends debate

Heinz has finally put an end to the controversy over how we should store ketchup. The debate over ketchup sauce is whether to store ketchup in the refrigerator or somewhere else, such as a cupboard. The answer came at the right time and was given by the most famous ketchup brand in the world.

Some people are wondering if it is wrong to leave the sauce in the cupboard, as it can spoil and cause some discomfort. Meanwhile, others prefer it this way so as not to consume the cold sauce.

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This debate has been going on for years and with the popularity of the internet, the subject has even entered the social media. For this reason, Heinz decided to conduct a poll on Twitter to better understand its customers' consumption and storage habits.

The results of the question about where people keep their ketchup demonstrated that 53.8% of people think it is necessary to keep it in the fridge, while the other 46.2% prefer to leave ketchup in the cupboard.

Source: Twitter @HeinzUK / Playback

Should ketchup stay in or out of the fridge?

But what is the correct place to store ketchup? According to Heinz, it should be in the fridge. The answer was even shared on the brand's Twitter after the poll was closed. They said, "FYI: Ketchup. go. at. refrigerator!!!"

Source: Twitter @HeinzUK / Playback

The publication of the brandwent viral on social media and the debate continued over whether ketchup stored in the fridge is as good as what we keep in our cupboards.

Some users disagreed with the manufacturer itself, arguing that chilled ketchup is not good, another user asked that the brand only take care of the production and he would continue consuming it as he likes.

So maybe it's impossible to end the ketchup discussion, since we're talking about a habit that people have long since acquired.

However, the company's answer arrived to solve a doubt of many people, guaranteeing that the product is stored in the correct place, thus maintaining its flavor and characteristics for longer time.

The conclusion could also help to end at least some arguments that occur off-social media between family members or friends who love to share the wonderful Heinz ketchup sauce.

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