How do you know if you are entitled to the Gas Aid benefit?

About 5,98 million familiesreceivedsubsidyingas of R$ 112 in October through the Gas Aid.The day in paymentvariesinagreementwithO NIS (Number of Identification Social) final, where each termination has an exclusive date for receiving the benefit.who toohe hasright to the Brazil Aidwill receivebothThe Benefits at the same day.

Read more: Auxílio Brasil and Auxílio Gás in October: Benefits reach families earlier

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Who are the people who are entitled to this benefit?

Low-income families are entitled to Gas Aid if they are registered with CadÚnico, with all their data updated and their registration status approved. Thus, the per capita monthly income of the family must be less than or equal to half the minimum wage.

Families that receive the BPC (Benefit of installment continued) are also eligible to receive the Gas Allowance. However, in this category there is no need to have an active registration in CadÚnico, that is, nothing implies in gaining the benefit, if the family does not have the registration.

For registered families, the benefit it is granted to a family responsible, giving preference to women. This type of information should already be in the CadÚnico. In the case of families that only participate in the BPC, the money will be received by the beneficiary or their legal guardian.

For to check if youit has right to aid Gas, é necessaryAccessthe application aid Brazil (available for Android and iOS), the application Caixa Tem (also available for Android or iYOU), or call the phones 111 or 121.

Number of beneficiaries by region

O Ministryof CitizenshipflameTheattentionfor O fact of what the regionNortheast is the whatmorebenefitsthe citizens withOaidGas, with 2,83 million families covered in October. In the Southeast, 1.98 are benefited million families, followed by the North, with 562 thousand, the South, with 392 thousand, and finally the Midwest, where 199 thousand families benefited.

in the ranking of the States whatmoreanswerfamilies, the leadership was held by São Paulo, with 813 thousand. Then comes the state of Bahia with 730 thousand, followed by Rio de Janeiro (564 thousand), Minas Gerais (525 thousand), Pernambuco (463 thousand) and Ceará (420 thousand).

the cschedule in paymentof aid Gas was started on the 11th of October, and the transfers were completed on Tuesday, the 25th. It is worth mentioning that this month, payments were anticipated. However, so far, the dates for the months of November and December will be maintained.

The value of the benefit is corresponding toO average price of a bottle of gas from 13 longer next year, the aid it will beagainthe half of the average value of the bottle.

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