Intel's quantum chip is close to mass production

With a massive investment in technology, in particular quantum computing, Intel has confirmed the possibility of mass production of the quantum chip, the brand's new commitment to solving complex problems.

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Intel seeks to bring a new technology to the market through quantum computing, without having to create a new model from scratch. In this way, the company intends to use the technologies already available on the market as a basis for the development of the quantum chip, and only transform to obtain the quantum chip.

Intel's Innovation

Intel's internal research departments used an extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV) standard to produce the quantum chip. The idea of ​​this study is to be able to create modern chips with short wavelengths. Thus, Intel applied the same knowledge in the quantum area and resulted in obtaining uniform chips.

The company's purpose in producing quantum chips is based on the fact that this material can assume values ​​of 0, 1 or even a superposition between them, which expands the current binary logic. For this reason, if logic devices today solve complex problems in days or weeks, with With quantum chips, this period is reduced sharply, as the material has more than one position.

Large-scale production of quantum chips

Intel's studies use quantum bits composed of silicon, the same used in semiconductor materials for the production of current chips. However, the great differential of this bit is to manipulate information based on the movement of electrons.

For this reason, when using extreme ultraviolet lithography technology, the quantum bits did not show significant changes compared to normal chips. Therefore, the company understands that this uniform behavior of the bits is the key element for the production of quantum chips on an industrial scale.

There is no deadline for this to happen, as much research still needs to be done. However, as silicon quantum bits already have advantages over modern chips, this production will certainly not take long to happen.

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