Internet Brasil will distribute around 700 thousand SIM cards; know more

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After the period of quarantine due to Covid-19, the internet has proven itself once again as an essential tool in society, especially for students. However, it was also possible to identify that not everyone has access to this resource in Brazil.

Because of this, the Federal Government created an initiative, called Internet Brazil, to distribute more than 700 chips to low-income students.

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Will every school be covered?

First of all, any adherence to the project by schools will depend on the state departments of education, as they will have to sign some terms confirming their interest. In this way, the choices of these federative units will be contemplated, assuming the receipt of the chips and the responsibility in relation to the benefited student.

These same secretariats will also be responsible for defining which schools will have students benefiting from Internet Brazil. In this case, in a priority list, the schools served by the Nordeste Conectado program take the lead, these being located in Campina Grande (PB), Caruaru (PE), Caicó (RN), Juazeiro (BA), Petrolina (PE) and Mossoró (RN).

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Who will receive the program chips?

The provisional measure of the Internet Brazil program provides free access for students in the basic education network of public schools and who are part of CadÚnico. After going through the National Congress, the initiative that will distribute mobile broadband to these students will only depend on President Jair Bolsonaro's approval to become law.

When the project is approved, more than 700,000 chips and packages will be directed to citizens who already have an electronic device, such as a smartphone. Therefore, those who do not have a device will still not be contemplated. In fact, the entire process will be done gradually, taking into account budget availability and technical requirements to provide the service.

In addition, students who are benefited and belong to the same family will also be contemplated. However, they must not be being served by other similar assistance programs offered by the states, municipalities or federal government.

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