Check out tips to prevent food from sticking to the pan

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Non-stick pans, which prevent food from settling on the bottom after cooking, are already common. However, because it is not a frequently sold item, many homes still have them without teflon technology. And in that case, there are some techniques to prevent food from sticking to the pan. See the tips below.

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Risks of food sticking to the pan

Before we start talking about tricks to prevent food from sinking to the bottom of the pan, it is I need to warn that experts advise replacing older kitchen appliances whenever possible. That's because some chemical compounds can end up leaving over time, passing to food at the time of preparation and causing you to end up ingesting toxic substances.

Tips to prevent food from sticking to the pan

The first trick is quite simple. All you will need is a small amount of wheat flour, which you should add to the pan before frying something. It will ensure your meats, eggs, beans and other foods don't stick together.

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For this you need to pour in the usual amount of oil and heat it for a few minutes. Then, just add two tablespoons of flour to a bowl and mix well with the oil, using a non-metallic spoon. Finally, just place the food you are going to prepare and cook it.

The second trick must be done before starting to prepare the food. Instead of putting it already on high heat, you should start the preparation on moderate heat. Also, you should add salt until you fill the entire surface of the pan and let it take on a yellowish color. Afterwards, just let it cool, and with the help of a cloth, remove all the salt. In the end, just prepare the food in the traditional way and it will not stick to the pan.
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