June gas voucher: Pay attention to the payment day

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Faced with the current situation in the country, the government created the Gas-Aid, which aims to benefit low-income families that earn less than R$170.00 in per capita income. Thus, every two months, half of the average value of the gas canister.
The last payment took place in April and the next one will take place now, in June. Follow the text and check the gas voucher payment schedule in June!

Read too: Second stage of Vale Gás starts this Monday in Pará

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Who is entitled to gas allowance?

Around 5.6 million Brazilian families benefit from the gas allowance every two months. They are registered in CadÚnico and form part of the index of Brazilians in extreme poverty.

Women who have been victims of domestic violence also benefit from the gas allowance. In addition, those who are under protective measure have priority in payment.

People who receive the benefit of continued benefit (BPC) are also included in these families. The only doubt that resides is: what amount will be paid this month? Since in the last few days the value of the cylinder has reached one of the highest since the year 2001.

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How payments will be made this month

Payments made in June will follow the same criteria as in previous months. In this way, they will be paid according to the last number of the (Social Identification Number) NIS of every citizen head of household. Follow the calendar and see what day your payment is!

  • NIS ending in 1: receive on June 17th;
  • NIS ending in 2: receive on June 20;
  • NIS ending in 3: receive on June 21;
  • NIS ending in 4: receive on June 22;
  • NIS ending in 5: receive on June 23;
  • NIS ending in 6: receive on June 24th;
  • NIS ending in 7: receive on June 27;
  • NIS ending in 8: receive on June 28;
  • NIS ending in 9: receive on June 29;
  • NIS ending in 0: receive on June 30th.

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