Airline pilot, the profession that is circumventing the unemployment crisis

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Flying around the world under the control of some of the most sophisticated aircraft in existence is, for many, a dream job.

Over the next 20 years, the world's aviation system will require 620,000 new commercial airline pilots. A third of these professionals will be needed in the Asia-Pacific region alone, which has a large air flow, according to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

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Due to adjustments to age regulations, there are a large number of pilots who will reach retirement age in the coming years. years, which created greater awareness of the need to train professionals to fuel the increased airflow worldwide.

How to become a pilot?

There are more than one ways to qualify as a pilot, and none of them are easy or cheap. The licenses that a professional needs to obtain are private and commercial pilots, in addition to hundreds of flight hours to be qualified to perform the function.

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A major hurdle in training new pilots is the cost of professional training courses. In Brazil, for example, training a professional who wants to work as a commercial pilot requires an investment of R$90 to R$140,000, on average.

Despite this, the market is promising and provides a good financial return for professionals working in this area.

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