Possibility of creating a reporting channel for school violence is analyzed

Right after the attack on Cantinho Bom Pastor private daycare center, in Blumenau (SC), which led to the death of four children, the interministerial working group created to propose public policies of prevention and confrontation of violence in schools held its first meeting this Thursday morning (6), at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education (MEC).

The ministers, after the meeting in Brasilia, informed the press that immediate actions were discussed and others to be adopted in the medium and long terms to solve the problem.

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The working group coordinated by the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, proposed the creation of a denounce hotline as the first measure to combat violence in schools. The telephone channel would be directed to reports of suspected cases of attacks in educational institutions.

According to Santana, it is important for people to anticipate and notify any suspicious episode related to classmates, people on the street or in the neighborhood. The feasibility of implementing the reporting channel is being evaluated to make it more agile.

The idea is for the new service to operate along the same lines as two federal government call centers: Dial 100, coordinated by the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship, and Ligue 180, coordinated by the Ministry of Women.

The federal government will also create an emergency protocol to guide public and private schools and education professionals on how to act in case of new attacks.

The Minister of Education announced that, on another front, the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship, which had already been fighting hatred, intolerance and radicalization of groups, should anticipate the specific report on this issue in the environment school.

In addition to the measures already announced, the federal government also intends to allocate financial resources to the Direct Money at School Program (PDDE), managed by the National Fund for the Development of Education (FNDE), to transfer resources destined to the mediation of conflicts within the schools.

“We are going to transfer resources so that the schools build actions and circles of culture of peace with the students. We can train and qualify our directors and teachers”, said the Minister of Education. The minister is also going to order a national survey of violence in schools.

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