Understand how the job stability period works

A subject that raises a lot of doubt among workers, is the period of job stability. This is that period in which the worker cannot be fired after suffering an accident or going through some type of illness. Do you know when this stability starts and how long it lasts? Here we explain everything you need to know about it.

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First, we need to know who can achieve this stability. For this, the worker must have a formal contract, contribute to the INSS and be away from work for more than 15 days.

The stability period is mainly given to workers who have had an accident or illness related to the work environment, and the period in which he cannot be dismissed lasts a year. This time is valid from the day the worker returns to work, and this depends on the period of leave described in the worker's certificate or report.

In addition to this situation, there are still others in which the employee can get the stability period. One of them is when the employee is in the gestation period. In this case, she cannot suffer dismissal during the entire period of pregnancy, and after 5 months of childbirth.

In cases where the worker is dismissed under these conditions, she can request to return to the company or receive a compensation for what happened, and this happens even in cases where the pregnant woman did not know about the pregnancy at the time of resignation.

Another case that wins this period of stability is when the employee is elected to the position of director of the internal commissions for accident prevention. The period that makes it impossible to dismiss this employee lasts up to one year after the end of his/her term of office.

Whoever occupies the position of union leader cannot be dismissed for one year after his term, and this period begins with his application for the position.

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