Starbucks drink may contain glass; FDA reviews case

Around 300,000 bottles of Vanilla Frapuccino were removed from store shelves. The suspicion is that the drink starbucks contains the presence of glass in its composition and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was responsible for the action. The company's CEO stated that the drinks will not be sold. Learn more about the case throughout the article.

Warning refers to US units only

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Starbucks has become one of the most popular coffee shops worldwide. Founded in 1994 in the United States, Brazilians also enjoy the coffees and different beverages offered by the establishment in some cities in Brazil.

However, the news of glass in drinks circulate only in the United States and there are no records of what happened in Brazil. So, don't worry about consuming the frapuccino in the cafeteria around here.

Pepsico's return on the case

A pepsico is responsible for distributing the product and does not guarantee that the news is false, as the distributor itself removed 25,000 boxes from circulation, as indicated by the FDA team. Each of these boxes contains 12 bottles of the product. It is not known for sure whether consumers actually purchased the product that was on sale and it is expected that none of these irregularities reached the public.

In a statement addressed to the North American Coffee Partnership, Joint Ventura, creator of Starbucks, stated that the drinks will not be sold and all bottles suspected of having glass were removed from the stores.

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