Do you know which were the 10 Brazilians who got richer in 2022?

There was a low in Brazil in 2022 in the middle of the brazilian billionaires. However, despite this decrease, Brazil still has some rich people on its list. They managed to increase their income much more in the year 2022.

By chance, do you know which were the 10 Brazilians who became richest in 2022? Keep reading and check out the list.

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Brazilian billionaires

At the end of each year, data that is gathered and analyzed is selected to assess the growth of sectors and people. This also happens with Brazilian billionaires. It is not only in Brazil that this analysis is carried out.

The analysis is also done in several other countries that use this data to analyze people who have a lot of money.

The analysis is usually done by Forbes, as it is the main reference when it comes to money. It was she who published a ranking, which contained a list of the 10 billionaires in Brazil, on Friday, the 23rd.

The number of billionaires in the country drops

It seems that there has been a decrease in billionaires in Brazil. According to Forbes, the year 2022 ended with around 41 Brazilian billionaires. However, what draws attention is that a few years ago, there were 53.

However, of that total, only 14 billionaires on this list achieved a significant increase in their patrimony.

List of Brazilian Billionaires

See the Ranking of Brazilian billionaires who made the most money in 2022 (FORBES):

  1. Maurizio Billi:
  • Patrimony: BRL 14.4 billion.
  • Variation in 2022: +92,9%.
  • Origin of equity: Eurofarma
  1. Lirio Parisoto
  • Patrimony: BRL 12.1 billion
  • Variation in 2022: +53,3%
  • Origin of equity: Videolar/Stock Exchange
  1. Luciano Hang
  • Patrimony: BRL 24.9 billion
  • Variation in 2022: 51,6%
  • Origin of equity: Havana
  1. Alfredo Egydio Arruda Villela Filho
  • Patrimony: BRL 8.4 billion
  • Variation in 2022: +14,3%
  • Osource of equity: Itaú Unibanco

5. Walter Faria

  • Patrimony: BRL 16.4 billion
  • Variation in 2022: +10,7%
  • Origin of equity: Petropolis Group
  1. Carlos Alberto Sicupira
  • Patrimony: BRL 47.1 billion
  • Variation in 2022: +8,5%
  • Origin of equity: AB Inbev/3G Capital
  1. Jose Joao Abdalla Filho
  • Patrimony: BRL 13.7 billion
  • Variation in 2022: +8,3%
  • Origin of equity: Classic Bank
  1. Ermirio Pereira de Moraes
  • Patrimony: BRL 20.6 billion
  • Variation in 2022: +8,3%
  • Origin of equity: Votorantim
  1. Maria Helena Moraes Scripilliti
  • Patrimony: BRL 20.6 billion
  • Variation in 2022: +8,3%
  • Origin of equity: Votorantim
  1. Ana Lucia de Mattos Barretto Villela
  • Patrimony: BRL 7.4 billion
  • Variation in 2022: +7,7
  • Origin of equity: Itaú Unibanco

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