La divisione sillabica. The syllabic division in Italian

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Meaning: / Meaning: * “Unità prosodica, which constitutes the principle of organizzazione della catena fonica; It is normally composed of the vocal nucleus che può essere preceded the following of the elementi consonantici: apice di una sillaba; divide a parola in sillabe // sillaba atona; tonica, senza, con accento/sillaba tightens, chiusa, terminate per vocale, per consonante.” / Prosodic unit that constitutes the principle of organization of the phonic chain; it is usually composed of a vowel nucleus that can be preceded or followed by consonant elements: apex of one syllable; divide a word into syllables// syllable unstressed, stressed, without, with accent/ syllable open, closed, ending by vowel, by consonant.

*Definition taken from the Italian Dizionario Sabatini-Coletti.

When we study a foreign language, one of our greatest concerns is to know how to make the division in sillabe delle parole. And per question, if it becomes important to know alcune regole sull'argomento. Vedile! / When we study a foreign language, one of our concerns is to know how to divide words into syllables. And, for that, it is important to know some rules about the subject. See them!

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Attention! / Heads up!

It is important to have a good dictionary, press to know the meaning of the parole liste alla tabella, and secondo, if there is an anchor dubbi, per consult with viene fatta divisone in sillabe delle stop. / It is important to have a good dictionary, first to know the meaning of the words listed in the table; and, second, if you still have doubts, to consult how the syllable division of words is done.

Register: / Note:

When we scriviamo a parola che ha l'apostrofo, in fin di riga, it is più accettabile dividerla com gli esempi che seguono. See! / When we write, at the end of the line, a word that has an apostrophe, it is more acceptable to divide it like the examples that follow. Look!

Esempi: / Examples

Other information! / Other information!

If you have seen a po’ di più sulla sillaba, it is possible to access the site and legger the text “La sillaba.” / If you want to understand a little more about syllables, you can go to the website and read the text “La sillaba.”

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Source: Brazil School -

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