Can people miss work to follow the Brazilian team?

The Brazilian soccer team is getting closer and closer to winning the sixth championship. Next Friday, the 9th, at 12:00 pm Brasília time, the players will face Croatia in another decisive game in the competition. This is a time many are working. Can you miss the service to see Brazil play?

Read more: World Cup 2022: will match days for the Brazilian national team be holidays?

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world Cup

The laws that govern work do not allow the worker to have the right to a day off when Brazil is active in the country. world Cup and also does not guarantee that it will be released to watch the games. If it is a private sector job, it is important to emphasize that the boss is not obliged to release the employees.

Still, it is possible to strike a deal with him.

The boss can decide to release the workers or reduce the working hours, but there is still the possibility of watching the game within the work environment itself so that everyone can follow the match. For the public servant, the case may be a little different.

There is also no law that releases the professional from his position during the games, however the news can also be advantageous: the Ministry of the Economy published an ordinance guaranteeing that public companies can grant the optional point when Brazil is playing.

operation of banks

The Brazilian Federation of Banks (Febran) communicated that the opening hours of banks will be readjusted, for next Friday, so it is good for people to be attentive:

  • Customer service: from 9 am to 11 am / from 3 pm to 4:30 pm in the states with Brasilia time;
  • In states with a difference of 1 hour: public service from 8 am to 10 am / from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm;
  • In states with a difference of 2 hours: customer service from 7:00 am to 9:00 am / from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm.

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