Bolsa Família: Beneficiaries with final NIS 7 receive new payment

Caixa Econômica Federal paid the April value of the new Bolsa Familia. The transfers took place this Tuesday, the 25th.

Beneficiaries who have a Social Registration Number (NIS) ending in 7 received the second installment, containing an addition of R$150 reserved for families with children up to 6 years old.

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The minimum value established for the benefit is R$600, however, with the addition of R$150, the average value of the benefit increased to R$670.49, making it the highest amount ever paid by the program.

Statistics reveal that, this month, 21.2 million families will be covered by the federal government program, with an expenditure of around R$13.9 billion.

Of the 8.9 million children who receive the benefit, 1.33 billion are related to the additional R$150 called Early Childhood.

This number is 17,000 higher than in March, according to information from the Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger.

Program news

During the month, the government took a relevant decision and unified the payment for people who are already part of the benefit and who live in municipalities in an emergency or calamity situation.

That is, these people will be able to count on their values ​​on the first day of the calendar.

In the last week, all individuals affected by the rains in Espírito Santo, as well as in São Paulo, also in Acre and Rio Grande do Sul, together with the Yanomami peoples, received their benefits.

There was a review of the registry that mainly excluded families consisting of only one person. This action resulted in the exclusion of 1.42 million registrations from Bolsa Família.

However, in April, 113,840 families were included, 17,000 of which had children aged up to 6 years.

Since the beginning of 2023, the social program has been renamed Bolsa Família, and the minimum amount of R$600 was assured with the approval of the Transition Constitutional Amendment.

This amendment authorized access to up to R$145 billion outside the spending ceiling in 2023, of which R$70 billion was allocated to cover the benefit.

The additional payment in the amount of R$150, initiated in March of this year by the government, was only possible after a thorough evaluation of the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadUnique).

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