What is a QR Code? History, how to use it and what it is for

What is QR Code? It is the abbreviation of Quick Response Code (Fast Response Code). They are used to take information from transient media and place it on your mobile phone.

You might see QR Code on a magazine ad, on a billboard, on a web page or even on someone's T-shirt. When he's on his cell phone, he can give you details about that company or any other subject.

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Photo of QR Code
Photo of QR Code

A QR Code can generate a URL so you can click through to see a movie trailer, or it can give you a coupon you can use at a local restaurant, for example.

The reason they are more useful than a standard barcode is that they can store (and digitally present) much more data, including url links, geographic coordinates and text.

The other key feature of QR Codes is that rather than requiring a hefty handheld scanner to scan them, many modern cell phones can scan them.


In the 1960s, when Japan entered its period of high economic growth, supermarkets would sell a wide range of products. The cash registers used at the counters of these stores required the price to be entered manually.

Later, the POS system was developed. In it, the price of an item of merchandise was automatically displayed on the cash register when the barcode on the item was scanned.

As the use of barcodes spread, their limitations became apparent as well. Most prominent was the fact that a bar code could only contain 20 alphanumeric characters of information.

Masahiro Hara was in charge of QR Code development. He worked for a Toyota subsidiary called Denso Wave. He and his team developed the code to aid in the manufacturing process, aiding in tracking vehicles and parts.

How to read and use the QR Code?

To understand how to read and use the QR Code, we recommend a video that will help you read and use it. Check out:

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