5 Signs You and Your Partner Make a Bad Couple

O love it can be a source of joy and good experiences in life, but a bad relationship usually leaves marks on our psyche through manipulations and controlling attitudes. Remember that time doesn't go back, so it's not smart to stay in a bad relationship. See signs that you shouldn't be together.

Do you and your partner make a bad couple?

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Relationships are unique. Each person will have their own “requirements” to make love work, but some go beyond the limits! Including, some signs may indicate that you and your partner are a bad couple precisely because of these incompatibilities. From these observations that we will make, it will be possible to reflect on whether it is worth adjusting the relationship or if it is time to break up and move on with life.

One of the two is possessive or controlling

Attempts to control what time you get home, who you should be friends with or even trying to distance yourself from certain friends are all signs that should never be ignored!

Remember: your partner shouldn't control what you do with your life or who you spend your time with.

One of the two ignores the goals of the other

Ignoring or nullifying the partner's goals means not giving due importance to what is, in fact, relevant in the other's life. If the person can't remember the date of a presentation that is important to their career, will they remember other great things that must have been meaningful to the couple?

They go to the extreme for a great proof of love

Giving extreme proofs of love does not point to the development of a healthy relationship. Can you imagine someone saying "if you break up with me, I'll kill myself because I don't know how to live without you"? It's dark! Anyway, these words can point to attempts at control and obsession that, in the long run, will be harmful to mental health.

One of the two often blames the other

When your partner constantly makes you feel guilty about everything that happens in your life. relationship, it's time to reflect on whether it's worth continuing with the love affair. Life is dynamic. In some moments, appointments will need to be cancelled.

One of the two is dominant in the relationship.

Being dominant in the relationship means wanting to control other aspects of the other's life or "marking territory" in front of friends and family. Remember: you are nobody's pawn.

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