5G will arrive with everything in 15 cities in Brazil

After a meeting held together with Gaispi, the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) reported that we will have new cities in Brazil with 5G. The decision will benefit a large part of the population, bearing in mind that the internet, television and cell phones will become even more agile, a benefit that we are all looking for after advancing technological.

Read more: Check out the list of the 25 fastest 5G smartphones in the world

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Find out how new cities in Brazil will work with 5G

Check now which cities will receive 5G and how this new feature will work:

1. See how 5G will work in the new regions of the country

At first, for 5G to start working in the country's new cities, it will be necessary to carry out some installations and Anatel recalls that the commitments to maintain mobile network coverage expire only in the year 2025.

In this way, the installations of the 3.5GHz frequency networks will be anticipated and will depend only on the planning carried out by each company providing the service.

2. The 15 municipalities that will receive this news

It is important to point out that of the 15 cities approved by Anatel to receive 5G, 6 of these cities have half a million inhabitants and the 3.5GHz band is expected to start operating from the 1st of January.

Given that, the 6 cities that should receive this news from the first day of the year are:

  1. Ananindeua (PA);
  2. Aparecida de Goiânia (GO);
  3. Caxias do Sul (RS);
  4. Jaboatão dos Guararapes (PE);
  5. Joinville (SC);
  6. Londrina (PR).

There are nine other cities that, despite having the signal released, do not have a scheduled date for the installation of 5G, these cities are:

  1. Diadem (SP);
  2. Mosque (RJ);
  3. Nilópolis (RJ);
  4. Olinda (PE);
  5. Paulista (PE);
  6. São Caetano do Sul (SP);
  7. São Francisco do Sul (SC);
  8. São João de Meriti (RJ);
  9. San Jose (SC).

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