Find out if it's myth or truth that garlic is used to lower blood pressure

High blood pressure is known to be a silent disease, as it does not have strong symptoms. However, it can generate some discomforts such as headaches and dizziness when it is far above average. Therefore, many home remedies to lower blood pressure are made with garlic. So find out if it's true that garlic lowers blood pressure.

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Myth or truth: does garlic lower blood pressure?

In general, it is possible to say that garlic is indeed capable of lowering blood pressure. That's because it has magnesium, which is a substance that helps with the dilation of blood vessels. Thus, by increasing the "space" for blood to pass, blood pressure ends up decreasing.

In addition, another substance present in garlic, allicin, is also responsible for helping to reduce blood viscosity, and therefore dilate the arteries. Not to mention the stimulus that garlic promotes in the body for the production of nitric oxide, which helps in lowering blood pressure.

Thus, while it is true that garlic can help lower blood pressure, it should not be used as the only element for this purpose. With this, it is necessary to follow the medical guidelines and make the specific medical treatment for each case.

Ways to use garlic to lower blood pressure

Some experts recommend eating raw garlic to help dilate blood vessels. However, for some people this can be quite difficult. If that's your case, don't worry, and find another way you can consume it.

garlic tea

To make garlic tea, you will need a clove of garlic and about 200ml of water. Put it to boil along with the peeled garlic clove for about 10 minutes. After that, you can strain it and wait a few minutes for it to cool down and then drink it. Also, to make the taste more pleasant, add a spoonful of honey or a little ginger and lemon.

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