How to reduce cell phone use by children without causing conflicts at home?

formerly the pranks of the children were jumping rope, playing soccer, hide and seek, or even board games. Today, with the popularization of smartphones, many families face problems with the addiction of the little ones to these devices. That's why we've prepared some tips for how to get kids to use their cell phone less.

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Why can excessive cell phone use harm child development?

Well, using smartphones for hours at a time is not good for adults and neither is it for children. As the main harms for the little ones, the reduction of physical activity and socialization, as well as concentration problems, such as attention deficit, stand out.

The excessive use of technologies has also been associated with the emergence of problems such as difficulties in learning, increased impulsivity, delayed development of neurological and motor skills, and of sleep.

In addition, there are already studies showing a possible association between the time of use of the cell phone (networks more specifically) and increased rates of depression and anxiety in children and adolescents. Therefore, it is a habit that deserves attention and must be well regulated, especially in younger children.

How can children use their cell phones less without generating conflicts at home?

If you live with children who already use their smartphones excessively, drastically reducing their screen time can lead to many conflicts, after all, the cell phone is very addictive. Therefore, you should follow some tips so that this situation does not cause discomfort for you and not for the little ones.

  • talk to the little ones

We adults often underestimate children's ability to understand, but they can understand things better than we imagine. In this sense, the first step to make them use the cell phone less is to have a good conversation and explain why they should spend less time with this object.

Before setting the time rules for cell phone use, explain to your son or daughter, in the most didactic way possible, what are the negative effects of spending too much time in front of the screen. In contrast, also mention the benefits of other activities, such as playing sports and interactive games that don't need screens.

  • Set limits together with the children

It is important to bring the child to the process of delimitation of cell phone use time. In this sense, there are some recommendations that you can adapt according to the reality of your home, of course.

Children under 18 months should not be exposed to screens, while children between 18 and 24 months can be briefly exposed to high-quality children's programs, but with parental supervision. Children between 2 and 5 years old should not spend more than one hour a day in front of the cell phone.

For those over 6 years old, parents can set an appropriate time limit together with them, as long as the adequate time so that the child has many opportunities to engage in other activities and sleep habits healthy.

  • Cell phone-free environment at home

It is important to ensure that there is a digital stimulus-free zone in the home. In that sense, try not to leave the children's phone in the room where they sleep. This can lead to difficulty sleeping and create poor sleep patterns, which in turn affect overall growth and development.

  • lead by example

All adults who live with children are shaping their behavior. It won't help you to set limits for your children to use your cell phone if you don't leave your smartphone. So be an example. Interact more with the children, promote games and physical activities to keep them busy and be part of it too.

Activities to keep kids busy without needing a cell phone

Physical activity is a very healthy way to keep children busy. In this sense, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that children and adolescents practice 60 minutes of moderate aerobic activity daily. This is especially important for socialization and disease prevention.

In addition to sports, there are excellent games and activities to entertain and stimulate child development, such as, for example, modeling clay, hide and seek, lego, crosswords, drawing, painting, among others. Stimulate the child and participate in these moments whenever possible as a form of support and encouragement.

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