15 more cities have approval for pure 5G; Is yours on the list?

Gradually, Anatel is releasing the endorsement so that mobile telephony operators can implement the pure 5G in the cities of Brazil. Until now, the signal was only available in some neighborhoods of Brazilian capitals. However, the situation begins to change in December.

Read more: The top five changes 5G promises

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How to get your CNH for free in 2023?

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Since last Thursday, the 15th, Claro, Tim and Vivo can already start registering their antennas for the implementation of 5G in 15 more cities in Brazil. Most of them encompass the metropolitan region of capitals.

The release of the signal for the 3.5 GHz frequency will continue until January 2023. See list and schedule below.

Why is there a delay in implementing frequency in Brazil?

All because of satellite TVs. It turns out that the frequency spectrum needed for 5G is currently occupied by Open Satellite TV. Therefore, it is necessary for users to change their satellite dishes for receivers compatible with the Ku Band so that there is no interference.

It is good to emphasize that the frequency band is used only by open TV. Pay-TV satellite signals, such as Sky and Claro TV, are not affected.

Families enrolled in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) of the Federal Government can request the exchange free of charge. To do so, simply make an appointment via the Siga Antenado website or call 0800 729 2404 with your CPF or Social Identification Number (NIS) from your registration in hand.

It is predicted that about 1.4 million peopledo the band change. However, only 11,500 kits have been distributed so far.

New cities ready to have pure 5G

Cities released from December 15:

  • Goiás: Aparecida de Goiânia;
  • For: Ananindeua;
  • Paraná: Londrina;
  • Pernambuco: Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Olinda, Paulista;
  • Rio de Janeiro: Mosque, Nilópolis, São João do Meriti;
  • Rio Grande do Sul: Caxias do Sul;
  • Santa Catarina: Joinville, São Francisco do Sul, São José;
  • São Paulo: Diadema, Sao Caetano do Sul.

Cities released from January 1, 2023:

  • Bahia: Feira de Santana;
  • Holy Spirit: Serra, Vila Velha;
  • Minas Gerais: Contagem, Juiz de Fora, Uberlândia;
  • Rio de Janeiro: Belford Roxo, Campos dos Goytacazes, Duque de Caxias, Nova Iguaçu, Niterói, São Gonçalo;
  • São Paulo: Campinas, Guarulhos, Osasco, Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo, São José dos Campos, Sorocaba, Ribeirão Preto.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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