Optical Illusion: Is the Gatorade in the picture green or yellow?

Time goes, time comes, and the internet is divided in relation to the color of an object, just as it happened years ago with a dress that some saw as black and blue, while others swore it was white and golden. The controversy of the moment is a optical illusion with Gatorade which caused confusion, with some people seeing green and others seeing yellow.

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What is the color – Green or yellow?

Students at the University of Tennessee recorded a video and posted it on the social network TikTok, where they discuss the color of Gatorade. Like them, many people were confused, as some see a yellow content in the bottle, while others see a green drink.


What do ya'll think? 🟑 or πŸŸ’πŸ€” #gbo

♬ FEEL THE GROOVE – Queens Road, Fabian Graetz

One user even made a very plausible comment to defend his opinion. He posted: β€œIt's yellow. I have an argument to back it up. 'Yellow 5' is the only dye listed in the ingredients section." However, many people disputed the claim.

People took it so seriously that they even used a green grape next to the bottle for comparison purposes. With that, many netizens were convinced that Gatorade is, in fact, green. "I'm not going to lie, the green grape on the side makes me reassess my eyes," admitted a user of the social network in the comments of the publication.

After all, is Gatorade yellow or green?

The drink in question is a Lemon Lime flavored Gatorade, which is yellow like a Sicilian lemon with a hint of green lime. An interesting fact is that apparently most men see them in green, while women see them as yellow.

In reality, the original lemon Gatorade initially leaned more toward the yellow end of the spectrum, however, newer versions look more like green. The debate whether the drink is yellow or green has been very intense since its debut on the market, which is great for the brand, after all, nothing like good publicity to attract consumers.

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