Cardio fasting: After all, is this practice good or bad?

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The cardiovascular or cardiorespiratory training responsible for encouraging practitioners to develop greater resistance is called “cardio”. Thus, these are exercises that are sometimes advised as a warm-up, such as running, cycling, jumping rope and the like. Furthermore, this type of training is highly recommended for the morning, so that many perform the fasted cardio, but this habit is controversial.

In general, it can be said that doing cardio training on an empty stomach can indeed offer health benefits to those who practice it. On the other hand, it is complex to encourage anyone to perform this type of physical exercise, as it requires care. Even more so if the person who is going to practice it is a beginner, that is, someone who has just left a sedentary lifestyle.

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Why indicate fasted cardio?

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In summary, fasting cardio practice is closely associated with localized body fat loss. This is because, when you practice cardiorespiratory exercises, glucose is used as a source of energy. So if you are “empty” of glucose because you haven't had a meal yet, your body would use body fat.

Therefore, the practice is encouraged for those who want to lose weight faster, while also generating physical resistance. This is because such practice can stimulate the body to adapt to the rhythm of exercises, and thus improve the athlete's performance. In this way, many professional athletes are adept at this habit and encourage it.

Necessary care

However, the practice involves some periods for the body, especially for those who are unused to an intense exercise routine. Furthermore, you should not do this type of training without the help and monitoring of a professional, who will know how to identify your limits.

After all, without food in the stomach, the chances of fainting, pressure drop and the like increase. Thus, there are risk groups that should not perform this practice, such as diabetics, people with low blood pressure, pregnant and lactating women and also children.

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