STF will return money contributions to citizens; who has the right?

It was recently disclosed by the Federal Revenue that taxpayers who paid Income Tax with child support in recent years will be able to request a refund of that amount. The Federal Supreme Court (STF) decreed that the collection will no longer be necessary. In the opinion of the rapporteur Dias Toffoli, at the end of the trial, taxation in this area is considered illegal, as it violates the fundamental rights of vulnerable people.

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Withbasein the resultof court, O organreleasedan announcement in which he explains in detail how it will bedevelopedthe process in restitution of the resources. In short, the taxpayer needs to make a declarationinrectification for to receivethe money in back about some of the years in which this contribution to the Revenue was made.

Who is eligible to claim this refund?

With this new decision, any citizen

what uslast five years (between 2018 and 2022) has includedalimony as performance taxable on your declarations will be able to request a refund from the Federal Revenue. Based on this decision, it is estimated that the agency will forego receiving approximately R$ 1 billion per year.

How to make the statement requesting the refund of amounts?

Taxpayers who included the pension as taxable income need to amend a statement to recover the previously contributed amount. In this statement, it is important to date the years in which these transfers were made by the citizen. To proceed, it is necessary to access the Declaration Generator Program on the e-CAC Portal or use the My Income Tax application. Soon after that, you will need to fill in the delivery receipt number of the declaration, which must be corrected. just keep going with the model in retentionchosento theto sendthe statement.

Once this is done, it is important to erase the amount of alimony from the option "tax taxable” and transfer it to “Exempt and Non-Taxable/Other Income”. It is worth mentioning that it is extremely important to indicate that it is “alimony” to notify the Federal Revenue. Other tax or withholding information cannot be changed.

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