What is 'smartphone vision syndrome'?

A 30-year-old woman suffered a visual impairment due to excessive use of smartphones. At the twitter, a doctor shared a case study with his patient, explaining that she developed something known as “eye view syndrome”. smartphone” and how it can be resolved. To learn more about this case, be sure to check out the full text.

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“There were times when the patient could not see anything for several seconds. This occurred mainly at night, when she got up to use the bathroom,” reports the doctor. The patient underwent an evaluation with the ophthalmologist and her eyes appeared to be healthy, he then referred her to rule out neurological causes.

The doctor said that the patient began to develop the symptoms of visual impairment after she quit her job as a beautician. The patient started using her cell phone for more than two hours at night, with the bedroom lights turned off.

Alternative treatment

Instead of simply prescribing medication, the doctor recommended the patient to reduce screen time. The patient said she was nervous because she feared she had developed a neurological problem, until she made the decision to almost completely stop using her cell phone, only in emergencies.

The result of these actions was the recovery of the patient's vision after about 1 month of treatment, with no more nocturnal vision loss.

The doctor suggests a 20-second break looking at something in the distance every 20 minutes of screen time. Look at an object about 20 feet away for 20 seconds every time you spend 20 minutes looking at screens.

screen care

Screens, whether they are cell phones, tablets or computers, are present in our lives and it is very difficult to avoid them. However, there are ways to prevent prolonged use by using only the necessary time.

For children, recommended screen time is just 1 hour a day, while babies shouldn't use it at any time. Meanwhile, for adults, the recommended usage time is a maximum of 3 hours, respecting breaks.

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