Good Hackers: competition taking place in Rio de Janeiro is open for registration

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The 5th edition of Hacking. Rio will take place in Rio de Janeiro in September this year. The competition, which is well known for being the biggest hackathon in Latin America, brings together programmers from computer to try to face the proposed challenges.

Therefore, check out this article for more details about opening registration to participate in the good hackers in 2022.

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Registration to participate in Hacking. river are open

This year's edition of the “Hackers do Bem” competition will take place from September 1st to 4th and aims to make participants find solutions to challenges related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (UN). Until the 10th of August, registration remains open and can be done by Hacking website. River. So stay tuned for the deadline so you don't miss the opportunity to participate in one of the biggest hackathon events.

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According to Lindalia Junqueira, founder of Hacking. Rio, the first edition of the event, which took place in 2018, brought together 'good hackers', developers, programmers and designers to help people find innovative solutions to social problems and commercials. This year, the challenges are related to the 17 UN SDGs.

How will Hancking work? Rio de 2022?

Some people might be wondering how they can participate in this competition. In this sense, the event allows teams, mentors, educational institutions and IT communities from inside and outside Brazil to participate. Also, for the first time since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Hacking. Rio will be held in a hybrid style, allowing for both face-to-face and online participation.

The teams will have 42 hours to deliver their solutions to the proposed challenges. The winners will receive a maximum prize of R$25,000, while the second and third place will receive prizes worth R$15,000 and R$10,000, respectively.

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