Can family history point to the cause of psychiatric disorders?

It is not so simple to diagnose a mental illness. Most of the time, professionals have to rely on symptoms that only appear at certain times. There are controversies about saying that some mental condition is related to genetic factors. In addition, a psychiatric disorder would not necessarily be generated due to family history.

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Today it is possible to say that there are still not enough gene tests to really confirm the diagnosis of the origin of a mental illness. Therefore, what we have are tests that capture part of the DNA cells to say which would be the drug substance that would provide the best response for the patient.

With this, if there is a diagnosis, he must follow the treatment properly prescribed by his doctor. In addition, it is important to break with prejudice and fear of what others might say about it. The stigma associated with mental illness is harmful and impairs the quality of life of these people and their families.

Diseases with genetic influence

Researchers already know that genes play a role in mental illness. For example, a study done on patients with autism, schizophrenics, bipolar disorder, depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has been shown to have certain DNA variants in common.


Another unexpected aspect is related to alcoholism. Some research has already shown that this condition has genetic risk factors similar to depression. However, a new study found no correlation between patterns of genetic activity in these mental illnesses.

Another curious aspect of the subject is that a large-scale analysis of cadaver brains revealed distinct molecular traits in psychiatric patients. Scientists have found that the top five psychiatric disorders – autism, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder – showed patterns of genetic activity but differed in ways specific.

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