Zucchini cannelloni recipe: check out the step by step

The zucchini cannelloni recipe, in addition to being delicious, is extremely nutritious, considering that its ingredients are rich in antioxidants, proteins, vitamins, calcium, fiber and other nutrients. Yeah, they help with heart and bone health, help with concentration, memory and even cancer prevention. In addition, the zucchini cannelloni is easy to make and extremely versatile. This is because this dish serves for lunch, dinner, as a starter or even an afternoon snack. So keep reading and discover this recipe!

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  • 250 grams of sliced ​​zucchini;
  • 15 ml of olive oil;
  • 90 grams of chopped onion;
  • 200 grams of shimeji;
  • 100 grams of ricotta;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • 460 grams of tomato sauce.

In addition to these ingredients, you will also need a pan and a dish that can go in the oven.

Step by step

To make this delicious recipe, you should take an average of 40 minutes. Start by chopping the onion, slicing the zucchinis and chopping the shimeji so that these ingredients are ready to use. Then, turn on the oven and put the oil and onion in the pan to sauté the onion. Then add the shimeji and also let it braise for three minutes.

As you do this, add salt and pepper to taste and even any other seasoning you like if you like. After seasoning, you can turn off the oven and add the ricotta to the mixture. So, just take the stuffing made in the pan and put it in the zucchini slices, rolling them up. As you do this, place them one by one on the tray you set aside. Finally, when they are all ready, pour the tomato sauce over the cannelloni and place in the oven, letting them cook for 15 minutes. After that time, your dish will be ready for consumption. Enjoy!

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