Healthy body, healthy mind

Studying requires a lot of discipline and dedication, but it is not necessary for the student to be overworked, forgetting the important meals he must have. You must maintain a regular diet, with at least three meals a day.

It happens that students, when they sit down to review the subjects, forget that it is necessary to concentrate on what is done, for a better understanding of the school contents.

But for this to happen it is essential that the body and mind are in balance. This happens when we eat well, exercise and get adequate rest.

As studying spends a lot of energy, a balanced diet, based on carbohydrates, fruits, cereals, milk and its derivatives, will give greater capacity for the body and mind to support the workload of study. This is because it is through food that we can replenish the body's needs for its perfect functioning.

Healthy body – better results

Physical exercises are also important, because through them the muscles of the whole body are strengthened, in addition to making the organs work in a balanced way. As the student spends a lot of time sitting, the exercises serve to increase his circulatory capacity, as well as discharge negative energy and stress.

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Rest must be done according to their class schedule. If you study in the morning, take a short rest of about fifteen minutes right after lunch, just to replenish your energy and rest your brain. If you study in the afternoon, it's easier, since you have the morning free and wake up rested.

The key is to find a balance in the activities you do during the day, with good nutrition, without forgetting to rest. In this way, the brain will be in perfect condition to support a high load of studies and guarantee good results.

By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy
Brazil School Team

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BARROS, Jussara de. "Healthy Body, Healthy Mind"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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