Spotify tests paid plan at a more affordable price for users

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O Spotify should launch a more cost-effective premium plan for users. The Plus version of the app has fewer restrictions than the free one, but still displays ads. The price of the package was initially established at US$ 0.99 (almost R$ 5). The information was released this week by The Verge.

Read more: Ad-free videos: Youtube tests cheaper premium version

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According to the information, the value is much more attractive than that of the common premium plan. About 90% cheaper, Spotify Plus can attract a portion of customers afraid to spend on the platform. Furthermore, it can also be a bridge between the free and premium version.

Despite not blocking ads, the alternative offers a few more possibilities. It is possible to change songs without the limit per hour, for example. However, the news is not yet available to all users. The plan still goes through doing the test.

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“Some tests end up paving the way for new offerings or enhancements, while others may just provide learnings […]. We don't have any additional information to share at this time," he said.

Spotify Premium has readjustment in Brazil

Spotify Premium has increased its value recently in Brazil. The change was announced in the first semester, in April. However, subscribers started paying for the readjustment in July. For Brazilian subscribers, the new value came into effect on April 30.

The increase in 2021 ranged between 14% and 30%. The Premium Family plan was the one with the most apparent readjustment among all options. The price rose from R$26.90 to R$34.90 (30% increase).

The individual plan, on the other hand, increased from R$16.90 to R$19.90 (+18%). The Duo and Universitária versions cost BRL 24.90 (+14%) and BRL 9.90 (+16%), respectively.

Spotify reported the economic results obtained recently. According to the disclosed data, the company had a 20% increase in revenue. That's just with Premium during the second quarter of 2021. Despite this, the platform's loss was R$ 122 million.
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