Check now the risk of eating tomatoes every day

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Tomato is one of the most used fruits in meals. Without it, it is very difficult to imagine a good salad or that delicious pasta sauce. However, eating it in excess can be very harmful to health, because despite having many nutrients, the tomato also contains substances that can cause problems, such as an increase in the level of uric acid in the body. Read the article and learn more details about.

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tomato benefits

Although many confuse it with a legume, in fact, the tomato is a fruit rich in antioxidants, vitamins C, A and K, potassium and lycopene. He is able to help against inflammations, as he has anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, its diuretic and antioxidant properties can help prevent the development of diseases such as prostate cancer, heart attack and osteoporosis. Its low calorie content also contributes to weight control.

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Thus, because it is rich in water, antioxidants and fibers, it helps to reduce body fat and control appetite. Thus, it is considered a good food to be included in diets.

Why is it bad?

Everything in excess is bad, including tomatoes. According to research published by the Diet Body Coach website, tomatoes can increase the amount of uric acid in the blood. In this sense, the concentration of uric acid can cause the development of crystals in the kidneys.

It is worth mentioning, however, that having high uric acid does not mean a serious problem. However, the effect caused on the kidneys can be harmful, as these are the organs responsible for balancing acid levels in the body.

So, if you have the ability to accumulate uric acid in your body, it is important that you avoid excessive consumption of tomatoes in your diet. If you have kidney problems, diabetes and other diseases that influence kidney filtration, it is also good to reduce the number of times you include tomatoes in your meals.

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