O credit card it can be of great help or even a big mistake when paying for a purchase, everything will depend on how you use it. Therefore, many people manage to take advantage of the advantages given by cards, while others only accumulate debts by using them carelessly. We separate some tips to better take advantage of this payment method.
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Contrary to the thinking of many, organizing finances does not have to be a properly difficult strategy. Using good tips and financial planning, some choices can make a total difference when it comes to controlling expenses, making the credit card a good tool for the hours of grip.
To make your credit card a great ally in finance, the first tip is organization. If you are not in the habit of using this form of payment or have already accumulated debts, choose to have only one card and concentrate all debts on it. It is worth noting that it is important to monitor expenses and set limits through your bank's application, so as not to commit all your income to the card bill.
Another tip is to look for financial institutions that offer cards without annuity. Nowadays it is quite easy to find these options in the market and reduce the fees paid.
Below are some institutions that offer credit cards with no annual fee to help you on your financial journey:
- Inter Mastercard Gold;
- C6 Bank;
- Will Bank;
- Itaú Click Visa Platinum;
- I type;
- Nubank;
- Pan.
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