Turbocharged brain: See 5 techniques to learn better and faster

If you believe that spending hours in front of a pile of books and handouts will help you learn the necessary information, you are completely wrong. This article will show you some essential techniques for you to learn more efficiently, which can improve your chances of getting accepted to any exam.

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Learn how to learn faster with these techniques

Chances are, you have a certain time of day when you feel more comfortable studying. And it is precisely at this time that you should dedicate yourself to studying, as your concentration and energy levels are always at an all-time high. Thus, the first tip is to determine this time and direct your efforts towards more efficient learning.

Be sure to review the contents

Another essential point to make you learn faster is to do a thorough review of all the material that was studied. This technique is very important to retain information and avoid the dreaded “forgetting curve”, which occurs when the student fails to review the notes within the next 24 hours.

hand notes

With the digital age, many people may neglect the mechanism of taking notes by hand, but it is essential to increase learning. This is because, to further reinforce the content in your mind, you should use a notebook and write down all the most relevant parts of each subject studied. It can be in the form of bullet points, a continuous narrative, illustrations or drawings. The most important thing is that you write.

share the knowledge

As soon as you've finished researching a particular subject you're studying, call a friend or maybe talk to a relative who's nearby and explain what you've learned. This is one of the most effective ways to understand all the material that has been studied.

Do exercises

Finally, it is important that you put into practice what you have learned. That's because when a student switches between theory and practice, the retention rate of newly learned information is around 75%. As such, taking mock exams from past exams are excellent ways to hone your skills and improve your chances of being accepted to an exam.

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