People are selfish because of these 4 reasons

Selfishness is a self-centered attitude, in which a person is concerned only with his own interests, despising others. Even though it is a negative behavior, selfishness is a characteristic present in many people. However, not even the selfish themselves know why they are like that. Therefore, we list the main causes of selfishness so that you find out what makes someone selfish.

The Origin of Selfishness

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Check now the reasons behind a selfish behavior:

1. Insecurity

In most cases, selfish people don't feel part of social circles and this makes them insecure. Consequently, they will do anything to get attention, even if it means hurting someone else. Seeking attention and validation from those around you is a strong sign of insecurity.

2. lack of emotional intelligence

People lacking in emotional intelligence tend to be insensitive to the feelings of others, focusing only on themselves. This is because they cannot demonstrate their

emotions easily and end up expressing themselves badly. Soon, relationships with selfish people become more complicated.

3. It is often natural

It is quite common to relate selfishness to nature itself, as many believe it is an innate characteristic of human beings. For example, the struggle for survival is part of the animal instinct, and inevitably selfish actions and thoughts arise.

However, the social organization of man allows people to work more reason to prioritize the well-being of the individuals around them. However, not everyone is willing to put their needs aside a little to help others.

4. family influence

Much of our personality is due to the coexistence factor, since we are always following what we observe. So people who grow up in places where selfishness is a predominant trait tend to follow the same path.

In other words, children who have selfish guardians as a reference learn that this is normal and become selfish too.

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