Learn how to make money by taking photos on your cell phone

Everyone knows that the cell phone has become an essential tool for everyone, because with it is possible to record unique moments, whether on walks, birthdays, in short, from day to day day. However, it is also possible to take commercial photographs with your cell phone and have an extra source of income. Find out how below.

So, if you are in the habit of registering everything with your cell phone, be aware that this habit can bring you profit, including earnings in dollars.

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First of all, there are techniques that make the photographs taken on a cell phone look professional because of how beautiful they can be.

See, below, excellent tips that will help you improve photographs taken with your phone.

How to improve cell phone photos

Manual mode for photographs: This option allows you to make the necessary adjustments to improve the quality of the photo.

Do not use zoom: Most cell phone devices have digital approximation and this makes the picture quality poor.

Treat the photos: You don't need to be an editor to improve the photographs, as several APPs have this function, such as Snapseed, Adobe Lightroom, among others.

Tripod: Use this tool with the timer and include yourself in the photos.

Use HDR: Using this feature you will take advantage of the light available in the environment. Combining the photo with the local light and allied to the exposure time, the result is surprising.

Rule of Thirds: Technique often used by artists. Imagine lines in the scene you want to photograph and use the intersection to place what you want to photograph.

marketing the photographs

Finally, it is possible to sell your photographs through sites that specialize in giving commission for good photos sent to them. For example, there are sites like Adobe Stock, iStock and Burst, who pay in dollars and who advertise their services a lot. However, there are also e-commerce companies that focus on this type of product for their customers.

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