The best places in the world to travel in 2022

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Lonely Planet is one of the most important publishers worldwide when it comes to travel guides. They recently published a text in which they elect the best places to travel in the world. It is based on this article that we are going to recommend you some wonderful places that you need to visit.

Firstly, it is important to inform you that some countries have started to open their borders again, thanks to the global reduction in cases of COVID-19. This has been heating up the national tourism market again, as well as international ones.

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As a result, there was an increase in demand for tourist sites throughout the year and, mainly, in the period of December and January.

Because of this, we have made a list showing the best destinations selected by Lonely Planet so that you can choose the one that best meets your expectations:

  • Egypt

One of the most desired places for those who enjoy relics and antiquity, Egypt has many unique sights and is certainly a place that will not disappoint anyone.

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  • malawi

Leaving a little of the best known and desired places by all, Malawí is a country in South Africa that is worth visiting.

Despite being one of the poorest countries in the world, it has an unparalleled beauty: a mountainous region with a bright blue lake that bears the same name as the country.

In addition, we also have other attractions such as safaris and trails, which are very worthwhile for the more adventurous.

  • Oman

A great tourist spot in the Middle East is Oman, owner of a desert climate with some oases, beautiful beaches and impressive fjords over two thousand meters high.

  • Anguilla

It is an island in the Caribbean belonging to the British, Anguilla is an extremely stunning place for its beaches and cave paintings of the ancient civilizations that once lived there.

  • Belize

Another enchanting part of the Caribbean, with several islands and beaches, is perfect for those who enjoy diving and seeing barrier reefs, and its corals were once considered the most beautiful on Earth.

  • Slovenia

Finally, we have Slovenia. This country, located in Eastern Europe, needs to be known. There we can find castles over 900 years old, as well as extremely cozy historic cities.

Here we also have the famous Sava river, which runs through other countries such as Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia.

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