Vale-Gás: check out the step-by-step to access the benefit

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O gas voucher is an initiative of the federal government with the aim of helping low-income people to buy the gas fromkitchen every two months. In this sense, half of the average value of the cylinder is provided. Many families are benefited, because with the inflation, the price of gas has increased considerably. However, he still does not accompany half the value of the cylinder in many capitals. Follow the text and learn more!

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The benefit of Vale-Gas

In all, 5.6 million low-income Brazilian families benefit from the gas voucher every two months. The count is carried out based on their registration in CadÚnico and they form part of the index of Brazilians in extreme poverty.

In addition, women who have been victims of domestic violence also benefit from the aid. They even have priority in payment because they are under protective measures.

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People who receive the Benefit of Continued Provision (BPC) are also among the beneficiaries. The installments for this month of June began to be paid on the 17th. See how to apply.

How to apply for Vale-Gas?

If you are interested in receiving the benefit, you need to assess your financial situation, as it is only provided to families that receive around R$ 170.00 per person.

Thus, to gain access, you must be registered with CadÚnico. If you still don't have the registration, look for the CRAS or a city hall in the neighborhood closest to you, take the documents of the whole family and register. Every two years it is necessary to carry out a cadastral update. In this way, check that you have the number and that your registration is up to date.

If you are a person who fits the right to receive the gas voucher, your approved NIS number will determine the day of receipt of the benefit. Payment is made in the Caixa Tem application itself.

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