The type of friend of each zodiac sign: What is yours?

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Astrology is a very important field that helps us determine each individual's personality and worldview according to the stars. As we are all different, our affinity for each other is natural and also different from each other. With that in mind, follow this article and check it out. what kind of friend is eachsign and for what reasons.

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What does it mean to be a good friend?

The first value of a friendship is sincerity. A true relationship is built from who we are and not from what we have. A good friend is one who does not abandon, who in moments of pain approaches, comforts and calms.

A good friend is one who instigates our growth. She won't agree with everything we do, but she will listen and give good advice on the best way forward. He will always do everything to see us well.

The characteristics of the signs as friends

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We all have some personal characteristics, but many of them are also brought by our own sign and which is very present in us. Check out a list of the friendship characteristics of each zodiac sign below.

  • Aries

The friend of this sign will always be that person who pushes for fun. Aries likes to take people and themselves out of their comfort zone, so they will try different games with their friends when they can and in a very spontaneous way. With him there is no boredom.

  • Bull

Taurus people love to pretend they don't have feelings, so they are those friends who will always listen and comfort you without judgment. In addition, they are excellent company when having a snack, this moment will always be assertive with them.

  • Twins

If you have a Gemini friend, you'll definitely agree that they're the ones who talk the most and think the most, so they can be bad at keeping a secret. They are those friends that you will always learn something new from, they love to talk about everything!

  • Cancer

Cancer represents the archetype of the mother and within the group of friends they assume the role of mothers, always taking care of everyone. They go to great lengths to defend and protect their friends. However, they are people who expect care and consideration in return for their dedicated efforts.

  • Lion

Leo friends are the most creative and love to play, as they are ruled by the element of fire. They are faithful and loyal to those they love, because they truly consider them to be part of their family. However, they also need to feel this from their own.

  • Virgin

Virgos are known as true problem solvers and so are their friends, they are on call when needed. The problem with those born under this sign is that sometimes they don't know how to keep quiet and end up giving opinions when they are not called upon.

  • Lb

They are the most indecisive friends you can have. Therefore, they will hardly judge you if you tell a very personal secret. The bad part of this friendship is that they refuse to “pick sides” when necessary, for example, be friends with your ex even if the breakup was pretty bad.

  • Scorpion

Scorpios are friends with few people, as they are shy and difficult to open up to at first. However, they are super loyal and will be ready to listen to you and give you a lap. However, they take revenge very seriously, in different measures and occasions.

  • Sagittarius

The most party sign of the zodiac. Sagittarians are the ideal friends to go out to a party, a bar or even to travel, happiness is guaranteed. However, they are also very sincere and sometimes speak without thinking about whether or not it will hurt the other person.

  • Capricorn

Capricorn does nothing without first considering the cost-effectiveness of his effort and money. These are people who choose their friends well. They are devout friends, but they also don't like a lot of sappyness and drama. They show their affection in more practical ways and with attitudes.

  • Aquarium

Aquarius rules the eleventh house of friends and community, so it is a sign of many friends. They are usually detached, but they will always be ready to be partners. They are excellent advisers, as they manage to put their emotions aside in most situations.

  • Fish

Pisces is a tender heart and a safe place to land. It's those friends who like affection and affection with those who also consider them. They will offer a lap whenever necessary, in addition to always validating your feelings and listening to you.

Top 3 signs that value friendship more

Finally, let's talk about a trio of signs that really value this relationship bond. Check it out below:

  • Capricorn: They tend to choose their friends well because they are very loyal and companion with them at all times. If people of this sign open up about their fears and flaws, you can be sure that you are very special to them.
  • Lb: They have a different and unique way of dealing with friends because they understand each person's desires, expectations and weaknesses. They will always have a word of comfort to say in difficult times.
  • Scorpion: People of this sign are conservative and are not friends with anyone casually. So it's common to have some colleagues and acquaintances, but few are usually your true friends, where they will be willing to open up and be themselves. Therefore, if you have a Scorpio friend, he must be very faithful to you and you to him.

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