Have you ever thought what your life would be like if you were born in a region with a completely opposite climate? Leisure activities, culture and habits such as physical activities can be radically different in different parts of the world. And to remind you how important the weather can be, below we have prepared a hangman game that challenges you to find two types of weather. Check out!
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What climate is this?
The climate is normally associated with the weather forecast, however, they are two different situations. While the climate reflects the main characteristics of a region, such as the amount of sun and rain, in a more permanent way, the weather forecast is how this climate behaves within a space.
So, if you live in the region of tropical weather, there may be two well-defined seasons, with droughts and rains at regular intervals, as is the case in winter and summer.
However, even in these seasons, there are changes in the way the weather behaves, so this is the weather forecast. Thinking about it, the following words refer to two types of climates in the world. Reflect a lot before answering, because there are more than 10 types.
First word
Below, you can see that there are two vowels already filled in the word. With these tips, you can start responding now. If you make a mistake, just start filling the doll in the gallows. It's only 9 letters. Good luck!

second word

The second type of weather you have to discover has 12 letters and covers a large region of the world. The vowels 'E' and the consonant 'D' are already filled in. With this information it is already possible to find out. Good luck!
hangman game answer
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On our website there are more challenges like this and each one is more fun than the other and test different areas of knowledge. Be sure to follow.