It's Not All In Your Mind: Job Interviews Are Changing

Many job seekers are happy to accept an invitation to a interview initial round and consider it positive progress to be invited to a second round. However, what happens when the process extends to a third, fourth, fifth or even more interviews? This could be a big surprise!

Despite being a big surprise, it is an increasingly common situation and can leave candidates frustrated and exhausted. In the past, it was common for companies to conduct one or two interviews, maybe even three, before making a hiring decision.

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However, in recent years, it has become increasingly common for the number of rounds of interviews to extend, sometimes reaching a point considered absurd.

One factor that may contribute, in part or in full, to the increase in the number of interview rounds is the increasing adoption of remote work. Employers may assume that it is less inconvenient for candidates to participate in an interview via video call than making time for an in-person meeting.

The job interview has changed along with the job market

This perspective fails to consider that it is often easier for people to allocate an afternoon entirety for a half-day interview than having to block out five-hour breaks on days many different.

In addition, many candidates are interviewing with multiple companies simultaneously. This means having to manage multiple selection processes with six or seven steps, which is time consuming. a long time and requires justifications to explain why they are not available in certain moments.

This added complexity can increase pressure and frustration for candidates as they have to balance their professional and personal obligations throughout the interview process.

It is important to emphasize that companies have the right and the need to be judicious in evaluating job candidates. Conduct multiple rounds of interviews and use additional methods such as exercises or simulations workplace, can be a valid approach to making more informed hiring decisions and accurate.

These practices can provide employers with a better opportunity to get to know candidates, evaluate their skills and abilities, as well as observe how they do in practical situations related to the work. By taking a rigorous and comprehensive approach to the selection process, companies are more likely to make sound hiring decisions and find the most suitable candidate for the role.

It is true that some employers may overstep the bounds by requiring an excessive number of interviews or steps in the selection process. This can result in frustration and burnout for candidates, especially when they are dealing with multiple selection processes at the same time.

Demanding significant time from candidates without considering their availability and respecting their needs can damage the company's reputation and alienate potential talent.

It is important for organizations to strike a balance between carefully evaluating candidates and respecting the time and energy they invest in the selection process.

Simplifying and streamlining process steps, being clear about expectations, and respecting candidate availability can be effective measures to attract the best talent and prevent them from being lost to competitors with more efficient.

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