Proof of life will have rules changed for 2023, according to INSS

As a mandatory procedure, the proof of life of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) has the central objective of certifying that the beneficiary or retiree is alive and can continue to receive his financial transfer normally.

However, since February 2022, the rules in force to comply with this process have undergone some changes, as published in the Diário Official of the Union by Ordinance No. 1,408, which suspends the completion of the test until December 31 of this year, where the benefits will not be suspended.

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For the next year, the INSS will carry out an information verification process through the crossing of data with other systems used by citizens. In this way, it is possible to verify if the insured person is still alive, based on the use of government tools such as personal access government applications, credit contracting, use of the Unified Health System (SUS), among others.

Below is a list of all the options used to verify life insurance. In case there is no movement of the citizen in any of the options below, the institute will contact the insured person to carry out the in-person test at the INSS.

Check the list of actions that can serve as proof of life by crossing information from the federal government:

  • Access to the “My INSS” application;
  • Payroll loan contracting;
  • Face-to-face service at INSS agencies;
  • Conducting medical expertise;
  • Vaccination record;
  • Consultations by SUS;
  • Registration or re-registration in transit bodies;
  • Registration or re-registration in public security bodies;
  • Updating data in CadÚnico;
  • Vote in elections;
  • Issuance or renewal of personal documents such as CNH, RG, Passport, Work Card, among others;
  • Receipt of benefit with biometric recognition;
  • Declare the Income Tax, either as holder or dependent of the reporting taxpayer.

It is also worth mentioning that the proof of life can be carried out even with its obligation being suspended and the payment assured. Thus, it is optional for the citizen to carry out the examination of faith.

The procedure can be voluntarily performed through the previously used channels, either by going to the bank agency where you receive the transfer and present your documentation, in addition to the various forms already established.

It is at personal discretion for the beneficiary to carry out the procedure throughout this year, as the new rules will only come into effect in 2023. However, pay attention to the information for any new change in the system or change in relation to the forms of proof.

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